Courses & Workshops

Together, we will explore, feel into, grow, and refine our sense of discernment by cultivating spaciousness, both internally and externally. This journey will nurture the seeds of our intentions. We will nourish our internal and external landscape with these seeds, to deepen and expand - and essentially - discover and relax into the fullness that we have always been, and always are. 


We will explore practices like:

  • Vedic Ceremony (fire and water)
  • The Study of Yoga Dharma 
  • Self Inquiry 
  • Goddess Practices 
  • Sacred Scripture Study
  • Non-duality Teachings 
  • Circles of Intention (including women’s circles and other feminine empowerment containers and practices)
  • Authentic Classical Tantra (which has nothing to do with sex by the way!) 

At our workshops you may: 

  • Grow spaciousness internally and externally
  • Refine your sense of discernment amid what is true and what is simply not
  • Inquire into who you are at the deepest level and how to embody this knowing 
  • Cultivate self love, self respect, and self trust
  • Move from fear to love
  • Speak your truth
  • Know your worth
  • Cultivate courage and inner strength 
  • Recognize when you move from a sense of lack and/or scarcity 
  • Heal the part of you that moves from deficit - and instead, embody your FULLNESS in every moment
  • Fully step into your power

We will discover and relax into the deepest authenticity that quietly whispers from the depths of our heart, from the very ground of our soul - guiding us to step into our wholehearted and truest aliveness.






We will utilize practices like guided meditation, pranayama (breath work), mantra chanting, deep listening, reflective writing, mudra, yantra (sacred geometry), dialogue, as well as partner and group work. You will learn how to embody these practices in your moment-to-moment living. That is, full integration - in which our entire life becomes our practice, never a moment not. 

"I offer this embodied temple space from my heart with utmost respect and deep reverence to my ancestors, to You, to the Divine, and to the Self (Pure Awareness). For the greater good of the Whole. OM." — Satya

I felt the germination in me of the woman, the mother, the goddess, the priestess, the wild woman, the woman child - a great power inside: confidence, sweetness, sensuality, beauty, revelations - the sexual energy circulated intensely. Then came the moment that I returned to the depths of my being, to the depths of my belly, my guts, where it was dark, dark. I hit the bottom, I couldn't run away anymore, I had to face it. A great need to respect me, to love me - to respect my needs and limits. It also brought up old repetitive patterns in my relationships with the masculine, that I wish to free myself from. I felt a very strong need for union with my inner masculine, sacred union between my inner masculine and inner feminine. Thank you Satya for the 21-day cleanse and activation. I say yes to the continuation of this cleanse and activation series!

~ Sabrina C, France


ॐ दुं दुर्गायै नम:

Om Dum Durgayei Namaha

Salutations to the one who bestows compassion, fearlessness and patience.

Bless me with your protection and love.