A Self Reflective Invitation for Setting Intentions
As we transition into another seeming year, we generally lean into perspectives such as: what we are grateful for; what we learned in the last year; and the wisdom gained that we intend on taking forward and integrating into this seeming “new year”. What is it that we envision cultivating to deepen into our most authentic self? Ultimately, to become a healthier, peaceful, and more contented being.
The classic Vedic (yogic) texts known as the Upanishads asserts:
– Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
“You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.”
And so we plant our seeds of intention, we water them, ensure they receive sunlight (nourishment) – and then we remain open and receive with trust and faith, what comes.

(Artwork: Kailash Raj)
Here is a reflective invitation to support you in setting your intentions for this next turn around the sun:
Consider meditating for a minimum of 15 – 20 minutes before setting your intention. You may do this at your lit up altar. Or go to a natural setting that is close to your heart (mountaintop, beach, river, etc.) and tune into the natural rhythms around you. This will help clear your mind, bringing stillness, spaciousness, and clarity.
Intention is much stronger when it comes from a place of ease, rather than arising from a sense of scarcity or lack. Take 3-5 deep belly breaths to release any sense of fear, releasing the fear on the exhalation. Then take 3 – 5 more belly breaths filled with love, inhaling self love, exhaling self love.
Consider shifting your orientation from being limited and separate, to being limitless and unified.
Review the year that has just passed by journalling for 10 minutes. If possible, consider the practice of having trust in all that has unfolded.
What do you want to release? Is there an opening here to practice forgiveness and/or self compassion with certain things or areas, of the past year? Write down what you want to release and burn it. Chant the Ganesh mantra seven times as you do this: Om Gam Ganapatayei Namaha.
What do you want to call in more of?
Come from the place of gratitude when setting your intent. Recognize all the gifts in your life presently. Take some time to steep in what you’ve accomplished in the past year. Express with thanks for what is coming, whatever it may be. For it is an offering from Grace/Spirit/Goddess/Divine.
Ask yourself WHY do you want this? Be completely honest. If it rings true and resonates from the core of your being – this is good. Connect with and trust your inner guidance.
Consider focusing on that which is meaningful (rather than egocentric). Consider aligning your intent with a deeper purpose that is rooted from your heart and soul. Consider how you can best serve others, while being true to yourself. The universal support you reap when you bring a greater meaning to your physical experience, is powerful.
Be clear and specific. Know what you want to call in, and be “realistic”. (Be careful in what you ask for!)
It can be helpful to journal about it – in order to get very clear.
Light a candle at your altar to symbolize the invocation of your newly formed intention.
After you set the intention, let it go—simply stop thinking about it. Offer it to the Goddess/Spirit/Divine, and receive what comes as a blessing.
Let go of your attachment to a specific outcome, by living in the wisdom of uncertainty. Attachment can be based on fear and insecurity, while detachment can be based on trust and faith in everything gracefully unfolding as it should.
Let go of the “how”. Try not to get engrossed in what the Universe/life/Spirit/Goddess is going to send you. Be simply aware and open.
Perhaps you want to make some offerings at your lit up altar, or in a natural setting that is meaningful to you, in order to be supported further in your intention.
Take action. Do something daily or weekly that will focus your attention on your objective. Start with the small things. And most importantly, remember to do it with an attitude of total surrender to the results (aka: practice karma yoga). Trust, have faith. Remember, small easeful committed steps. You may want to create a vision board or simply write related inspirations on a few post-it notes and stick them around your living space (fridge, bathroom mirror, night stand, etc.).
Notice any synchronicities that begin to unfold to support your vision, in the coming weeks. AKA: things beginning to flow. Be inspired that things are beginning to fall into place! (Again, with an attitude of complete surrender – karma yoga.) Tune into this flow and ride the wave! And remember to hold on to the things lightly – as things are constantly in flux in this realm.
Be patient. Please don’t be hard on yourself if things don’t unfold immediately. Consider practicing non-self judgment. Be compassionate with yourself, like you would so easily with a small child.
Relax and have fun with it!
“We can only take care of the future by taking care of the present, because the future is made out of only one substance: the present.”
– Thich Nhat Hahn
This article was originally published for Salt Spring Malas. The content has since been updated.